Build your careerwith us!

   Hello! I work for Zeeks. And I’m going to tell you how to build a career in our dream team!

Submit your CV

Choose a vacancy and send your resume. Our recruiters will contact you within one day.



At the interview, learn about the duties of your position. Get feedback after the technical interview.

Getting an offer

Congrats! It’s an offer from Zeeks! We invite you to our offices in Kyiv and Ivano-Frankivsk.


We will help you adapt to your new workplace and understand the company's processes.

Passing a probationary period

After completing the probationary period, you will get all available Zeeks benefits.

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Career growth

Now it's time to grow professionally and achieve your personal goals! Create your team and become a leader! Or launch your own projects!

Dream Team is waiting!
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Join the team


Made 30 sites in 2 years
Became TL in 2 years
Entered IT without SEO skills

Zeeks in media

Zeeks in people

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We’re always on the lookout for talented specialists unafraid of creating and acting. Send your CV or portfolio to get started.
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